About Us

GPS Renewables – India’s leading Cleantech Company

GPS Renewables was started in 2012 by two first generation entrepreneurs, Mainak Chakraborthy and Sreekrishna Sankar, with the vision of solving India’s waste problem.

Turning their focus first to wet waste management, GPS revolutionized the industry through BioUrja – a state-of-the-art modular Biogas system. By addressing existing drawbacks with innovative yet simple designs, GPS took the once dismissed Biogas system known for its flaws and unreliability and turned into a robust, reliable & flexible waste to energy plant.

The BioUrja Biogas system has positioned GPS as one of India’s Leading Clean Tech companies, with close to 100 projects to its name. Through its state-of-the art Waste Management Solutions GPS has served marquee clients like ITC, Microsoft, Intel, Bosch, Saint-Gobain and many more.

GPS is also backed by several leading climate companies & funds such as Mitsui, Hivos-Tridos, Neev Fund and Caspian investments.

By leveraging its vast experience, GPS is now focused on enabling customers to meet their Climate, Sustainability & Environmental targets by offering them a wide variety of innovative products, services & solutions through ClimBridge.